Removal of guilt based language - Image 1

Removal of guilt based language

Posted on: 02/02/2018

Schema 3 #

Removal of guilt based language


Words and their intonations are used as activators, as motivators, as guidance, as instructors, as framework, as drivers, as elevators, as distractors, as divisive, as coercive, as corrosive. Written and verbal language has the potential to deflate or inflate our surroundings and encompassing spaces; our ‘self space(s)’. Within my practice the use of balanced linguistics is an aim to negate the onslaught of negative binary linguistics I, as someone with learning differences, has had to slowly remove in the search of spatial expansion not detraction.

For those with learning differences the use of continual negatives can equated to a rot based tsunami of negative repetition. Saying the same over and over again is not for the benefit of the individual but for the benefit of the system. It corrodes our self-space. For the purposes of this practice these words will no longer be required.